
/ˈdɪŋəs/ Something whose name is unknown or forgotten

Generating secure tokens from an array in Ruby

July 2022

Ruby’s SecureRandom provides a random number generator suitable for generating secure tokens. But it doesn’t allow the user to specify a source array, for example an array of characters or a wordlist.

By contrast Ruby’s [Array#sample] allows us to build a random sequence from any array. But it uses a psudo-random number generator and the sequences it generates are deterministic (guessable) and not suitable for generating secure tokens.

Luckily these two can work together. By specifiying SecureRandom as the source of randomness for [Array#sample] we can generate a secure token from any array.

Array("a".."z").sample(20, random: SecureRandom).each_slice(4).map(&:join).join("-")
# => "hcqo-dtnf-gsim-bawu-kvjy"
wordlist = %w[abandon ability ... zone zoo]
wordlist.sample(6, random: SecureRandom).join("-")
# # => "item recycle habit almost few beach"

[Array#shuffle] and [Array#shuffle!] also accept the random argument.